
Words From My Father

Do not forsake the wisdom of your elders. 

Older people, your parents especially, have many years of experience and insight to bring to the table. And if they love you, you will hear the truth. Because they aren't afraid to tell you like it really is. 

In these moments, be ready to receive it. Do not harden yourself to their words, because only foolish people spurn wisdom. And you don't want to be a fool.

I say this because I had a decision to make this morning. Would I carry this hurt, or would I learn to let it go? Last night my mom brought something up from the past, something I didn't think was a big deal. Something I had already apologized for. And it hurt. Why hasn't she gotten over this? I thought she had forgiven me. And I didn't even think it was my fault to begin with. Poor communication, perhaps. But my intentions weren't wrong.

Bob Goff Taught Me Love Does

A couple weeks ago I got to meet one of my heroes, Bob Goff. He's a hard guy to miss. A 6'4 giant with an infectious smile and laugh, Bob can light up any place — even a funeral. When I walked up to him and extended my hand, he declined. He went in for a bear hug instead. "I don't do handshakes, only hugs," Bob said.

That one gesture really encapsulates the way Bob does life. He doesn’t settle for anything — he goes all in, all the time. I mean, just look at his life. He works as a lawyer and a college professor. On his “spare” time, he serves as the Honorary Consul for Uganda and also oversees Restore International, a non-profit founded to combat injustices against children in different parts of the world. Shaping the next generation of leaders and saving the world at the same time? No big deal.