Hello world.
Thanks for visiting my site. I'm glad you found this.
This site is a sandbox for some writing ideas, but mostly it's a catalog of my thoughts in real life. I've written two children’s books, a screenplay, and a couple short stories. I'm currently working on other projects (stay tuned). Mainly, I'm just a writer looking to get better at his craft.
If you're intrigued by what you've read, feel free to contact me (marty.yan@gmail.com). I'm open for collaborations or creative projects.
Thanks for reading,
about me
Born & raised in Southern California
Graduated from UCLA with a B.A. in English Literature; Talbot Seminary with an M.A. in New Testament
Influences: F. Scott Fitzgerald, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Haruki Murakami, C.S. Lewis, Milan Kundera