Today I'm turning 30.
I've been reflecting over the past few weeks on my life up to this point. The day has come sooner than I thought, though in some sense it took forever to get here. I've had many losses and triumphs, some bumps and bruises along the way that were necessary to get here in retrospect. There were also some things I thought I'd have by now that I don't.
1. Hot wife
2. Couple of crazy kiddos
3. Decent-sized house
4. Fully-intact hairline (Grandpa was bald and had hairy legs, can't argue against genetics)
5. More confidence about who I am or where I'm going
I didn't attain those things. But there is something I've been given which is greater than I could have imagined. Namely, the fullness of knowing God and His people in a real way. Over the years, God has humored me with brilliant friends and comforted me with like-minded travelers. I've been challenged in many ways—to love better, be more compassionate, and focus less on myself and more on the people around me. I've learned to give people the benefit of the doubt, to believe in their best and stand by them in their worst. I've become more empathetic, and less quick to judge or speak. After all, life is often times more shades of gray than it is black-and-white.
I'm not sure I'd learn all those lessons if I had everything I wanted. Most of the time, we confuse having things with contentment. But the key to being truly rich is having a deep appreciation and gratitude for what you've been given. It is greater than achieving any milestone or goal. Some people have attained their deepest wants but still feel empty or unfulfilled; contentment starts with being thankful and knowing all the good we've received. The miracle is that I have 10,950 days to my name, more than many have had throughout history, and never has a day passed where I've gone unwillingly thirsty or hungry or without a bed to lay my head. I am thankful.
To all of my friends, family and mentors who've made a difference in my life—thank you. Because of you, I am rich and blessed beyond belief.
Here's to receding hairlines and aching (hairy) knees.