The Beautiful Country

It is called mei guo in my mother’s tongue
It means beautiful country
What my mother and father,
And what their mothers and fathers
dreamed of
The endless promise of tomorrow
Freedom. Opportunity.
A better life.
Anything was possible.
It was the hope that came with every morning,
no matter how difficult the day
A beautiful dream for a beautiful country.

Fountain Not a Drain

For 2020, I had prayed that I would be a fountain and not a drain. That I’d be able to be a source of life, joy, and kindness to those around me. Little did I know how that prayer would be tried and tested in the hardest of years.

I gave as best as I could until I ran empty or tired or numb. Then you gave to me…and now I understand fountains are only as useful as the water that’s being poured in.

A Conversation with My Dad About the Protests

A Conversation with My Dad About the Protests

I went back to visit the folks last night. Check in on them, grab some of mom’s good ol’ home-cooking. Lord knows we could all use some family bonding right now. But, at this moment, even family could be a source of tension.

Somewhere in the middle of our meal, there was a lull in the conversation. Pause. At this point, I just had to ask. “Dad…what do you think of the protests?”

This was hard.

Some Days I Feel OK

Some days I feel OK, some days I don’t.

Some days I’ll get out of bed, some days I won’t.

Some days I feel trapped—inside my mind, inside this house, inside this world.

Some days I spend my time wondering if I’ve missed my prime or if it’s still to come.

Some days I’m left with too much time.

Some days I’m left with too much regret.

Subject to Change: A Word on COVID-19, Panic & Fear

Subject to Change: A Word on COVID-19, Panic & Fear

This year has been wild.

It’s barely been three months, and already we’ve seen a continent burning down, mourned the death of heroes, and endured a global viral outbreak. Events are being canceled all around the world: vacations, conferences, sports, worship services, amusement parks.

If you’re feeling that defeated “Should we just cancel 2020 entirely?” feeling, you’re not alone. I’m not above some of those emotions myself. Every morning is a prayer that the bottom won’t keep dropping. Every hour there’s a natural bracing for what's next?